Highlighting a CIS Gives Back site for Pender County Teen Court
By Tracy Lafon, CIS Pender County
Making a lot of noise in Pender County is Mojotone, a company built on amplifying music for people all over the world.
Founded in 2000 by Michael McWhoter and Andy Turner, the business moved to Burgaw in 2005 and created a wonderful partnership with the surrounding community. Mojotone has built a business that employs nearly 70 people, crafting guitar amplifiers, custom cabinets and a variety of specialized guitar parts.
McWhoter found out about the work of Communities In Schools through his position on the United Way Board. He says he feels it is important to invest in the future of the community, especially when it comes to young people. He is involved in a group of manufacturers that share the many opportunities in the industrial manufacturing business with high school students. McWhoter’s involvement with CIS Gives Back took the concept to another level.
“The super professional attitude of Communities In Schools follows through in everything they are involved with, and this makes a huge difference,” said McWhoter.
The Mojotone CIS Gives Back program has made its mark on both the company and the students it serves. Mojotone recently hired a student full time who completed his community service with them. The company also paid for the former CIS student to attend a technical program at Cape Fear Community College to help him grow his skills that he uses daily in his job.
McWhoter says that he loves seeing kids spark an interest in the industry and watching as students that might have been headed down a wrong path turn their lives around and flourish.